4 Digital Transformation Initiatives to Consider Now

Can Today’s Challenges Be a Catalyst for Positive Change?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on our world, affecting our day-to-day lives in ways we never could have imagined even a few short months ago.

For many organisations, these changes have led to a fundamental shift in how we define business as usual, causing many companies to reassess and reprioritise their business and IT goals and budgets in dramatic and unexpected ways.

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Conversational AI Enhancing Business Intelligence

Data is fundamental to the success of any organisation. Data analytics gives insights into customer behaviour which thusly is utilised to fuel the vital activities of the business. Well-curated and comprehensive customer information can open up a universe of new opportunities dependent on solid numbers.

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How CPaaS Differs from UCaaS, But Also Improves Collaboration

As businesses move to adopt cloud platforms, the landscape of offerings becomes more complicated. I regularly write about these changes, and there’s a lot to keep track of. The root of all this is the SaaS model – Software as a Service – where applications are consumed and paid for on an on-demand basis. The business doesn’t own the platform, and IT can be very hands-off in managing things – both of which are attractive value drivers.

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5 Incredibly Useful Things You Didn’t Know a Virtual Agent Can Do

They don’t just talk the talk – they walk the walk.

The excitement around intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) is palpable for those looking to improve customer experience. From the moment we discovered their ability to transform frustrating, IVR-based, self-service experiences into something as engaging as speaking to Siri or Alexa, we were transfixed. They had us at, “Hello, how can I help you?

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Cloud-sourcing your business’ Unified Communications in 2020

Tech isn’t about money, most would say, but money in the form of profit surely enters into it. One thing that City research is good at is identifying financial trends, trends that could indicate what users are really doing, and that could promote technologies that are seeing unexpected support. There’s some recent evidence that UCaaS has joined that elite group.

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The 8 Most-Asked Questions About Cloud Communications

81% of CIOs believe IT is entering a new era of customer-driven initiatives. Businesses are increasingly embracing cloud communications to craft better customer experiences. Some IT executives, failing to recognise the opportunities cloud solutions can bring to their businesses, are reluctant to adopt this new communications platform.

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The phase-out of ISDN and PSTN has started

In 2025, BT is switching off its traditional phone network: this means ISDN and PSTN lines will no longer work. As early as 2020, you will no longer be able to purchase any more ISDN or PSTN capacity from BT, so if your call volumes go up or you relocate, your customer experience will suffer.

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Fear of Change in the Age of the Customer


Sometimes, we need to destroy the status quo to create a new model of engagement. Sometimes, the market does that for us and that can be even scarier. Change is always scary and overwhelming, especially when it comes to technology. But it is inevitable.

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