The Charter for Social Housing Residents – Social Housing White Paper

The Social Housing White Paper was published by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government on 17 November 2020. We welcome the paper and its focus on resident voice and influence, aligning with the work the sector has been doing to achieve greater accountability to residents through the new 2020 Code of Governance and the Together with Tenants initiative.

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10 Steps to Cyber Security – National Cyber Security Centre

The vast majority of organisations in the UK rely on digital technology to function. Good cyber security protects that ability to function, and ensures organisations can exploit the opportunities that technology brings. Cyber security is therefore central to an organisation’s health and resilience, and this places it firmly within the responsibility of the Board.

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Cyber attack ‘most significant on Irish state’


A cyber attack on Irish health service computer systems is “possibly the most significant cybercrime attack on the Irish state”, a minister has said.

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BSTC holds public engagement Zoom event supported by CW Squared

Bishop’s Stortford Town Council wanted to host a public engagement event for their neighbourhood plan. These events had previously been a public exhibition in the town centre, but due to COVID this was not possible so the event was to be held using Zoom with joining details published in leaflets, the local newspaper, social media and emails to community groups. 
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G-Cloud 12 supplier status for CW Squared

CW Squared is excited to announce our inclusion onto the G-Cloud 12 framework, part of the UK’s official Digital Marketplace for the Public Sector. With our G-Cloud accreditation, CW Squared is qualified to support UK public sector organisations and agencies in their journey to move to the next generation of Cloud Communication and AI Services.

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CW Squared awarded the Cyber Essentials accreditation

Committed to developing its strengths, CW Squared has taken on the task to review and restructure its IT processes and procedures to promote safety and confidence to its employees, customers and suppliers. With this in mind, CW Squared have been working towards, and now awarded, the Cyber Essentials accreditation.

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Six Steps for Citizen-Centric Experiences in the Expectation Economy

Technology empowers us to be better informed but also makes us less patient and more demanding than ever before. If Amazon or Uber give me exceptional customer service, then that is what I expect from every company or brand I interact with, regardless of size or industry. That’s the expectation economy in action. According to Gladly’s 2018 Customer Service Expectations Survey, 92% of consumers said they would stop purchasing from a company after three or fewer poor customer service experiences.


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